Activism in SF Weed Week

Activism in SF Weed Week

SF Weed Week has two main ways to engage politically. You can sign up for updates from the Brownie Mary Democrats of San Francisco, and you can sign up for updates from California NORML.

The BMDSF is busy keeping San Francisco cannabis competitive and affordable. They’re fending of attempts to soak cannabis users with even higher local taxes. San Francisco cannabis businesses face onerous over-regulation, and BMDSF advocates for a lighter touch. For example, a new rule would prohibit shops within 600 feet of a daycare—a solution in search of a problem.

On the state level, California NORML has made tremendous headway on cannabis users’ workplace rights. Beginning Jan. 1, employers can no longer discriminate against cannabis users for off-the-job smoking. They advocate tirelessly each year for better cannabis laws, and fewer bad laws.

The Brownie Mary Democrats are a local chapter of the national Democratic party. Here’s how you donate and become a member.

California NORML is the state chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws—which has been around since the ‘70s. Become a CA-NORML member here.

Look for more ways to activate to come. When California’s 4 million stoners speak with one voice—we win! It’s that simple.

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